
Everything you are has its complement in nature.

You know the feeling when you are out in nature and you instantly feel more alive? No wonder. Nature is in us; we are a part of nature. We share the same origins, we grow, we thrive, we blossom, we shine. A closer look reveals that plants and human beings have many similarities. That‘s why nothing makes us look and feel better than reconnecting with the power of nature.

You and nature – it’s a match!

Take a closer look at how deeply connected you are with nature.

تسخير قوة الطبيعة منذ عام 1921.

تسخير قوة الطبيعة منذ عام 1921.

كشركة رائدة في الزراعة الحيوية الديناميكية، كانت ڤيليدا علامة تجارية للجمال الأخضر قبل فترة طويلة من أن تصبح الموضة. ظللنا مخلصين لمبادئنا لعقود من الزمان ووضع المعالم وتحسين طريقتنا الشاملة للنمو وخلق الأدوية الطبيعية والعشبية ومنتجات التجميل. في كثير من الأحيان إلى الوصفات الأصلية الأصيلة ذاتها التي تغذي الجسد والروح وتجددهما وتعتني بهما.

Renewing people’s belief in nature.

Renewing people’s belief in nature.

Our principles are founded on Rudolf Steiner’s anthroposophy and the belief that the body has an ability to heal itself when supported by nature. Our potent formulations with natural ingredients give targeted support to the body’s own processes. It is this foundation that makes Weleda unique.

Our carefully selected superpower plants.

Our carefully selected superpower plants.

The rose flower for example, with its many varieties and scents, is seen as the queen of all flowers. One of the most effective oils to smooth the skin is that of the rosa mosqueta, which is used in Weleda Wild Rose Face and Body Care, whilst the beautiful scent of rosa damaszener harmonises and relaxes body and soul.

Find your perfect match in nature.

Our products are specifically developed to give you and your skin what it truly needs to stay well and healthy. From growing and harvesting some of the best possible natural ingredients, to carefully blending these into effective formulations to help you look and feel your very best. Find yours today!

Tummy Massage Oil

Natural oil for massage to soothe baby’s tummy and help digestion
50 ml

Skin Food

For very dry and rough skin
75 ml

Stretch Mark Massage Oil

Prevents stretch marks, leaving skin smooth, elastic and flexible
100 ml

Skin Food Body Butter

For dry and very dry skin
150 ml